Enjoy these questions this week. You can submit your questions for Pastor Blake at FBCedmond.org/askpastor.
1. Is the doctrine the Nicolaitans the same as the teaching of Balaam referred to in Revelation 2:14-15
2. In the last few years, we have seen many pastors fall from grace. Men like Mark Driscoll, Ravi Zacharias, and others. When someone’s reputation is destroyed due to unrepentant sin, what do we do with the books that we have read or the sermons we watch from them? Do we continue to use their works or do we discard them?
3. Recently the question “Is it biblical to pray and sing songs to the Holy Spirit the same way we do to the Father or the Son?” came up in the book The Holy Spirit by John Bevere. He said absolutely, and quoted John 4:24, “God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth” and states that we should praise and worship the Spirit just the same as we do the Father and Son. I know that all three figures of the Godhead are equal, but differ in roles, but this question confused me. I’ve heard you say in the past that the Spirit doesn’t mind not being the center of attention, but would it be unbiblical to actively make him the center of attention through praise and worship? Is at least some level of praise, honor, or thankfulness permitted?
Recommended Books on Holy Spirit:
Father, Son, & Holy Spirit: Relationships, Roles, & Relevance by Bruce A. Ware
The Holy Spirit: Abridged & made easy to read by R.J.K Law - Puritan Paperbacks
Pigeon Religion: Holy Spirit, is that You? (Discerning Spiritual Manipulation) by R.T. Kendall
Holy Fire: A balanced, biblical look at the Holy Spirit's work in our lives by R.T. Kendall
Keep in Step with the Spirit: Finding Fullness in Our Walk with God by J.I. Packer
Enjoy these questions this week. You can submit your questions for Pastor Blake at FBCedmond.org/askpastor. 1. Isiah 65:17 says past troubles will not be...
Each week Pastor Blake Gideon answers your submitted biblical questions. To submit questions, visit www.fbcedmond.org/askpastor 1. Predestination, election, and the correlation to man’s free...
Enjoy these questions this week. You can submit your questions for Pastor Blake at FBCedmond.org/askpastor. 1. Pastor, in studying Exodus in Bible study, we...