Enjoy these questions this week. You can submit your questions for Pastor Blake at FBCedmond.org/askpastor.
1. I was reading a blog post from a lady that teaches biblical womanhood, and while I normally agree with her on most things, a recent post from her seemed to border on legalism. She was saying that because of the following verse out of 1 Timothy, wives are to be silent in Sunday school (unless the class is women only) and if wives do have any questions, should ask their husbands at home. While I know there’s a battle to maintain scriptural teaching, my concern is this is leaning towards legalism. “Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness. I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet.” 1 Timothy 2:11-12 ESV https://bible.com/bible/59/1ti.2.11-12.ESV
2. I read a book by Douglas Cobb titled “And Then the End Will Come”. Have you read it and if so what do you think about it? I found it encouraging that we are getting very close to reaching all of the unreached people groups and that Jesus' return may be closer than we think.
3. Pastor Blake, I am reading a book titled Understanding End Times Prophecy by Paul N. Benware suggested by my dad. It refers to Revelation 3:21 ESV "The one who conquers, I will grant him to sit with me on my throne, as I also conquered and sat down with my Father on his throne." My question is how this relates to the "Trinity". I remember your sermon where you gave many scripture references to Jesus as God. If this is the case and I believe this, then why do God and Jesus have separate thrones?
Enjoy these questions this week. You can submit your questions for Pastor Blake at FBCedmond.org/askpastor. 1. Can you talk about how to be wise...
Enjoy these questions this week. You can submit your questions for Pastor Blake at FBCedmond.org/askpastor. 1. What are your beliefs on predestination in terms...
Enjoy questions from past episodes. You can submit your questions for Pastor Blake at FBCedmond.org/askpastor. Pastor Blake will answer your questions when he returns....