Enjoy these questions this week. You can submit your questions for Pastor Blake at FBCedmond.org/askpastor.
1. Does a Christian have to be ordained to baptize?
2. Do babies that die go to Heaven?
3. How Can the Church go into debt to secular institutions when the scripture demands against it?
Enjoy these questions this week. You can submit your questions for Pastor Blake at FBCedmond.org/askpastor. 1. What are your beliefs on predestination in terms...
Enjoy these questions this week. You can submit your questions for Pastor Blake at FBCedmond.org/askpastor. 1. Pastor, in studying Exodus in Bible study, we...
Enjoy questions from past episodes. You can submit your questions for Pastor Blake at FBCedmond.org/askpastor. Pastor Blake will answer your questions when he returns....