Each week Pastor Blake Gideon answers your submitted biblical questions. To submit questions, visit www.fbcedmond.org/askpastor
1. The city of Nineveh, what was the nature of their repentance, how did that work in terms of salvation? Matthew 12:38-41 where Jesus states that the "men of Nineveh will rise up at the judgment with this generation and condemn it..."
2. What the difference between John 20:21-23 and the day of Pentecost?
3. John 8:31 Interpreted
Each week Pastor Blake Gideon answers your submitted biblical questions. To submit questions, visit www.fbcedmond.org/askpastor 1. Predestination, election, and the correlation to man’s free...
Enjoy this question this week. You can submit your questions for Pastor Blake at FBCedmond.org/askpastor. Pastor answers a comment from a question from the...
Enjoy these questions today. You can submit your questions for Pastor Blake at FBCedmond.org/askpastor. 1. What does it mean to blasphemy against the Holy...